Yamaha Moto-Bike Vintage Bmx bicycle, RestoredZoom

Yamaha Moto-Bike Vintage Bmx bicycle, Restored

Yamaha Moto-Bike Vintage Bmx bicycle, Restored
Item# yamahabike
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Yamaha Moto-Bike Vintage Bmx bicycle, Restored

Classic Yamaha moto-bike for sale. Everything about is has been restored. From the ground up, sandblasted, parts restored, decals remade, rechromed. It is a beauty, perfect for a collector, entusiast, or bmx lover.

Here is a complete video of the process

Yamaha Moto-Bike Vintage Bmx bicycle, Restored, yamaha motorcycle style bicycle, classic yamaha cycling motorcyle, first suspension bmx bicycle made by yamaha japan.
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