New Campagnolo Vintage brake rubber pads, set of 2! blackZoom

New Campagnolo Vintage brake rubber pads, set of 2! black

New Campagnolo Vintage brake rubber pads, set of 2! black
Item# campybrakepad
Availability: not set
New Campagnolo Vintage brake rubber pads, set of 2! black

Brand new, never used. set of 2 Campy black rubber pads, to replace old ones. The rubber is in great condition. It has been in storegae for 30 year without any light or humidity. Perfect for a vintage restoration

New Campagnolo Vintage brake rubber pads, set of 2! black, campy brake pads, old stock of campagnolo brake pads, classic campagnolo super record nuovo record brake pads, c group brake pads
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