Campagnolo 50th Anniversary Hub Collectible CampagnoloZoom

Campagnolo 50th Anniversary Hub Collectible Campagnolo

Campagnolo 50th Anniversary Hub Collectible Campagnolo
Item# campy50thanniver
Availability: not set
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Campagnolo 50th Anniversary Hub Collectible Campagnolo

Awesome set with very little use. the only thing that is not original are the skewers. these are campagnolo super record ones, but not the ones with the gold emblem on them. Great for a vintage exclusive restoration. A lot of masi volumetricas, colnago masters, and cinellis came with the exclusive 50th anniversary edition groupo. A complete set of 50th anniversary group can be worth $5000. so these pieces are getting harder and harder to find.

if you are interested, feel free to contact us at

Campagnolo 50th Anniversary Hub Collectible Campagnolo, campy only 50th, unique, most exclusive campagnolo ever, rare 50th anniversary campagnolo group, rare hubs made by campagnolo
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